Welcome to E2 Catering 



Site Map

Access the homepage to find information special deals we current have as well as events we will be attending and everything on sale.

About Us
Everything you wanted to know about our company can be found on the about us page. Find our when we establish our company, where our chefs come from, and more.

Our Menu
Our menu comes in a variety of options. You can view it online or download it to your computer in a PDF format for a nicer view.

Order Form
Order directly online with ease. We will call to verify the order and make sure everything is correct. You can even schedule when you would like the catering service.

Contact Us
Not sure if you want to place an order just yet? Do you have questions or comments we can assist you with? Our contact us section lets you send a message directly to our staff and we will respond with in 24 hours.

Quick over view of each page and its contents. This page is the sitemap page.

Contact Information

Hours: 10am to 8pm PST

2202 S. Figueroa St. #723
Los Angeles, CA 90007

310 343 5579 tel


home - about us - menu - usc fraternity & sorority catering - order form - contact us - site map